Airbnb Property Investment Course

Hands down the best Airbnb courses out there!

Do you want an Airbnb unit that runs on autopilot?

Want to ensure you beat the competition on highest occupancy?

Do you want to start your property investing journey, but don’t have enough cash yet?

Well then you’ve come to the right place.

ZATraining Academy brings you Robin Booth’s 3 courses on Airbnb & short term rentals which will allow you to increase your income and decrease your admin without even owning the property.

Both first-timers and seasoned hosts will benefit from this course!You will master the rent to rent model, as well as you buying your own Airbnb property for wealth creation

Where else can you earn back

all the money

you paid for this course

in less than one month?

'This advanced course will get you to start and set up your new Airbnb listing to be fully optimized, efficient and profitable. At the end of this course, you will be confident in being able to chose a cleaning company, price your unit correctly, and get more reviews so your guests choose you first. I’ll show you how to automate every part of the process and the guest communication and messaging so you can even be offline in the remotest parts of the world and still get income! In fact I will also show you how I set up and started an Airbnb unit just for this course, so I could prove to you this works, and I recorded it all in real time as the days went by. And to top it off, I will show you how I became a superhost in just 30 days. But most importantly, you will have everything you need in the way of templates, spreadsheets and calculators so you too can do this all on your own from the comfort of your own chair."

Robin Booth
World class property investor


Courses in total






Hours of video

The best course in South Africa to supercharge your Airbnb journey

  • The art of Rent-to- Rent Airbnb's (and owned!)

  • Trained by the number one Airbnb investor in SA (and winner of Investor of the Year in 2019!)

  • Access to all necessary templates to kickstart your journey

  • Step by step guide to find, set up and automate your Airbnb unit

Course Content

Course composition

There are three courses in total in this bundle pack. Below we break them down (high level) for you:

  1. Live for free – 7 Profitable Ways to Airbnb Your Property for more IncomeThis is to get your feet wet and show you the multitude of opportunities and different property types and scenarios that Airbnb could apply to.It also covers how you could live for free using the Airbnb house hacking strategy.

  2. Airbnb Profits – Part 1 – Setting up my Airbnb for Maximum Bookings and ProfitsThis is where the rubber meets the road with regards to finding & setting up an Airbnb like a pro and making sure it dominates.

  3. Airbnb Profits – Part 2 – Ultimate Guide to Totally Automate, Expand and Dominate like a ProThis is where you build on Part 1 and automate your Airbnb to the point where you are doing 80% less work and are able to spend that time elsewhere or to continue scaling your Airbnb business.

    View the next sections below for specific modules and topics within each section, by course

Act 1: Live for free - 7 Profitable Ways to Airbnb Your Property for more Income

You don’t need to be the expert to make money on Airbnb

  • No one believes me when I say you can live in a beach house for free

  • What will you do with the extra time and extra income?

  • 7 days… I can’t believe we were cash positive within 7 days!

    The mindset you need to have to increase your income from where you are now to where you want to be

  • Success is about having the right mindset… so here is what you need to know

  • To be successful and make more money, I bet one of these 7 things is holding you back…

Your ticket to a whole new income stream starts right here!

  • If you just copy what I did, and am showing you here, then you will dominate and be successful!

  • The ensuite room in the home is the obvious starting point for many people

  • The Granny Flat enables you to double your normal rental income

  • Buying the apartment and 7 days later it’s positive cash flow because of Airbnb

  • Turn that farm building into tidy piles of monthly cash

  • A normal house turned into both a long term let and 4 Airbnb rooms

  • Proof that my student gets listed first on Airbnb as well

  • Your Airbnb success requires this 2 step process

Act 2: Airbnb Profits - Part 1 - Setting up my Airbnb for Maximum Bookings and Profits

The modules are broken down below, with each section within it:

Overview of the course

  • What we will cover in this course…

  • Updates and where to find things…

  • Has covid-19 destroyed Airbnb?

Know these things so you can take advantage of how Airbnb works

  • What you need to know about how Airbnb works

  • The mindset you need to succeed at this

The stats that prove you can make money on Airbnb

  • The statistics that prove you can make money

  • This is how you find out how much income you could get for your property

The 3 things to master: The Listing

  • Set up the listing – Photos, titles and the description – get it right

  • The thing you need to know about the reviews… they make money

  • The tips and tricks your competition doesn’t know that makes you stand out

  • Let’s take a look at live listings to prove what I am saying

The 3 things to master: The Physical Space

  • The physical space layout – use it to make money

  • The furniture and equipment you will need

  • Make sure you mark your linen like this!

  • Use decor that pops and is easy to clean.. not like this lady in this video

  • Extras and add-ons to consider putting into your unit

  • Avoid these costly (and stupid) mistakes

  • This basin is an injury waiting to happen, and just looks really bad!

  • Going into a great example of an Airbnb unit in Cape Town

  • Smart Locks and Smart cameras to know who comes into your unit

  • New video on the SMART WiFi locks I use (Schlage Encode Lock)

  • Manage the noise in your unit with this nifty gadget (Minut)

The 3 things to master: The Management

  • Make the check-in and check-out easy

  • This is how I have solved many situations where I can’t put a lockbox outside a house, or estate complex (Switchbot)

  • My current way of automating the check-in for buildings and estates

  • Manage the linen and the cleaning manuals

  • Should you use a cleaning company, or a domestic, or do it yourself?

  • You got damage! No worries, just follow these steps to get it all sorted

And more

  • What you need to know about the Airbnb website tabs for starting your listing

  • Let the Tax man help you with your expenses – SARS

  • How to set the price for your nightly rate and the clean

  • What you must know about your reviews and how to make money with them

  • Is it worth being a Superhost? This is how you do it

The bits and pieces that not many people talk about

  • The things not many people talk to you about

    Tanya wanted to live in a property for free and this is her story

  • Tanya uses Airbnb to live for free. This is her journey

Act 3: Airbnb Profits - Part 2 - Ultimate Guide to Totally Automate, Expand and Dominate like a Pro

The modules are broken down below, with each section within it:

Welcome to the Ultimate Guide for Airbnb!

  • Live proof showing Tanya did the course, implemented the strategies and gets listed first with multiple bookings!

  • What to expect in this course

  • Where to find the templates, calculators and other resources

  • Uncover the reason you want to do this course – YOUR WHY – and make it tangible.

  • Showing you weekly updates of the start up strategy in action. From R0 to crushing it!

The basic stuff you already know, but can now be taken to a new level

  • Make sure you have reviewed the first course content for setting up your Airnbnb for maximum profit.

  • Have you got the million dollar title?

  • Must watch – how I change the title and description during the Corona Pandemic to get bookings

  • Are all your amenities set up to WOW your guests

  • The furniture list and how to make it easier for yourself

  • All the little things like max and min nights stay, check in days, etc

  • The different ways to price your Airbnb to get the most income and profit

  • Value of being a SUPERHOST – higher occupancy, more revenue, greater traffic to your listings

  • The security deposit you should put in place and how to price it right

  • In all my real estate investing, this one strategy has saved me millions…. and you should do this too

  • Best time to buy or rent – close to high season

  • If you can’t get photos before you take occupation, then use this trick

  • How to get the landlord to agree to you taking a video when you go check out their place for the first time

How to scale your portfolio through using the rent-to-rent mode: Rental Arbitrage:

  • The secret to great entrepreneurship is finding a demand and supplying it

  • Increasing Cash flow through scaling with the least amount of risk

  • Rent-to-Rent, great cash flow, great profits, and easy to set up.

  • What to look for in the rent to rent model to make it easier for you.

  • Finding the right property to rent and use on Airbnb

  • Using the Airbnb calculator to see how much profit you will get from a potential unit.

  • Convincing the Landlord or the Agent to lease to you: The landlord script

  • Using the right lease for your unit, with the right clauses

  • Cross pollinating your units – scaling is best done with replication and interchangeability.

  • Ingoing and outgoing inspections – make sure you take charge of this, or pay the price later on.

How to scale your portfolio through buying property to use on Airbnb

  • The trick to buy to use as an Airbnb is to have Plan B and Plan C all ready

  • Why not buy an amazing house to live in now that before you could not afford?

  • Buying your first apartment, and Hajra tells her story of applying the strategy you are learning here

  • Santosh tells how he bought an apartment to use on Airbnb

  • Buy to use the property for BOTH Airbnb and Long term leases – Martin’s great story

  • Martin shares his experience and tips after his first Airbnb conversion

  • Buying and House Hacking for Aribnb, Long term lease, and Office space – Martin expands his portfolio

  • Martin has done his second conversion, and loves the profitable outcome!

  • When to buy an Airbnb unit

The cleaning: The golden key to a sustainable and profitable Airbnb unit

  • Why is the cleaning a deal breaker, and how to find the right company

  • Getting the cleaning company to step up by using this cleaning contract

  • How to price your cleaning charge on Airbnb

  • The cleaning manual allows your team to get the unit ready to how you want it to be, every time.

The start up strategy to profit and dominate for your new listing

  • So you already have a unit…. well you can still implement this…

  • The timeline for starting your Airbnb

  • How to build reviews quickly to create momentum- Proof of mine and showing you step by step how I got them

  • Determining your pricing for start up and how to avoid the GREED – look at all the video update process

  • Get Airbnb to show a discount strikeout line in your listing price

  • Tweaking the calendar when you have open spaces

Message Automation is the key for taking back time and increase cash flow

  • Automating the messaging is the ultimate tool in creating success on Airbnb

  • The timeline for the messages is important… so here is the overview

  • The different options, platforms, and apps

  • Get your guest to whatsapp you with this handy trick: How to shorten your whatsapp URL with ‘tiny’

  • As soon as someone books, the guest and the cleaners must receive a message right away.

  • and my concerns about it

  • The 3 day before check-in message – Take into account people may be traveling before they get to you

  • The day before check-in sms message

  • The checkout messages to guest and reminders to the cleaners

  • Understanding and using the template ‘tags’ is the smart way to automate

  • How to get feedback from the cleaners for leaving reviews

  • Leaving automated Reviews -whether custom or from a wide variety

  • Using the ADVANCED messaging function on templates for customization.

A guest just held a party in my unit and caused damage – I’m showing you how I claimed for damages

  • I woke up to a my cleaners telling me there was damage… so I show you what I said, and how I claimed this back

  • She damaged the place, and then said she could’t affiod to pay for the damages. What now?

  • First time Airbnb guests seem to cause the most damage.. here’s what I have done to avoid this

Some examples of good Airbnb’s I have stayed in

  • A Cape Town Airbnb unit showing great use of space and detail

  • This Johannesburg granny flat was cleverly laid out

  • A master bedroom in a Johannesburg house became a great separate entrance self catering unit

Other really great questions on things you should know

  • Do you get the back up cleaners to sign a contract as well?

  • What do you do when your cleaners arrives to clean and find more people have stayed at the place than had booked?

  • Do you offer bonus incentives for emergencies?

  • In the rent to rent model what should I know if I want to take the lease in a company name?

Wrap up

  • We need your questions to build out the FAQ section. So ask me your question

What our Trainees Have to Say

''Robin's courses are the gold standard. They will show you step by step how you can set up a unit and put it on autopilot. He holds nothing back. Highly recommended!''



"I 100% recommend this course if you want to increase your Airbnb hosting income stream. I started an Airbnb Automation business, testing the model in Central South Africa. If i can make it work, so can you!"



All our classes are virtual

Kick start your career from the comfort of your own home!

No need to mask up, sanitize or even suit up!

All modules are provided to you as soon as you sign up for the course. All content is very easily accessible and all you need is a good internet connection! Sit back with your cup of coffee and relax as you take the first step into your future.

All content is delivered via Teachable.

About Our Trainer

Robin Booth; Property Coach, Mentor, International Investor, Serial Entrepeneur

Robin Booth is passionate about consciously creating a meaningful life full of contentment, fulfilment and connection. In his own words: ''As an insightful thought leader, I am able to intuitively understand complex challenges and quickly find empowering solutions for them. With a natural ability to take the complex and translate this into simple (coming from a teaching background), I am passionate about sharing and showing you solutions to you every day challenges. Qualifying as South Africa’s first male pre-school teacher back in 1995, I developed the unique skills in being able to take complex things and share them in a simple way (even to a young person!) From founding and opening a pre- and primary school in 2004, I went onto investing in real estate (both in South Africa and in the USA) and in 2016 I won the international Mega Entrepreneur award in Los Angeles for founding an international real estate company. In 2017, I won the South African Real Estate investor of the year award by showing creative ways to buy and leverage property. Through this success, people asked me to share the steps I had taken to create success and wealth in Real Estate. I now coach other investors in creating passive wealth such that they too can create the lives of their dreams.''

Become an Airbnb pro today